Obenauf's® Beeswax Leather Conditioner, Heavy Duty LP
Using a beeswax leather conditioner has many benefits, especially when it's kept free of chemicals. Obenauf's leather conditioner does just that! Providing just the right amount of natural oil to soften and condition, and beeswax to protect the surface. The beeswax protects by preventing leather from drying, keeping the oils in while keeping the dirt and water out. Any other benefits of using Obenauf's beeswax leather conditioner? Yes, just buff after application to bring out the leathers natural shine.

We are so confident in our leather conditioner that we had it tested!
Naturally the best protection for your leather
Tested and proven by the Leather Research Laboratory to resist:
*Dynamic and Static Water Penetration
*Scuffing and Abrasion
*Caustic Chemicals, Manure Acids, Salt
*Premature Cracking and Parching
*Resistance to Perspiration |
*Stitch Tear
For more information on Heavy Duty Leather Preservative, click the image.
The Best Leather Boot Conditioning
What working conditions are more extreme than those of the welding industry? Join us as we share a comment from a satisfied teacher regarding Obenauf's beeswax leather conditioner. Read the following quote from this welder and see if you agree this may be the best leather boot conditioning.
Boots in the welding industry are always being subjected to sparks, steel grit, hot-dry climates, chemicals and conditions found when working outdoors. I've worked in the welding trade for 30 years now and have found your product helped my leather work boots last longer in rough conditions!
Five years ago, I started teaching welding at Lewis-Clark State College. Leather boots are required for students to wear for welding in the shop. Many of these students have never heard of putting a preservative on their boots. As a result, I started keeping a jar of Obenauf's Heavy Duty Leather Preservative in my desk and give them a 30 second course on how to treat their new boots.
It feels good as a teacher to pass on information to my students about how to take care of their boots in the future using a great product, Heavy Duty Leather Preservative. I also appreciate that you are Idaho based. Thank you!
Lonny Gehring, Welding Technology
Heavy Duty Leather Preservative Made in Idaho, USA